Gender Pay Gap Report

The report has been compiled from our data as on 5th April 2021 when our workforce consisted of 1067 team members out of which 886 were women and 181 were men. The report is being published in line with the guidance issued relating to the data to be included in the report. 

The figures show that our organisation has a mean gender pay gap of -3.49% and a median gender pay gap of -0.90%. 

Given how the hospitality sector has operated over the qualifying period, especially with restrictions in place, majority of our workforce has been on furlough/flexi-furlough throughout this period. As our hotel-based workforce is predominantly female, it has created a skew in our figures as we have taken the data from a percentage of our workforce who had a presence in the Hotels that were operating at reduced capacity as well as from a smaller percentage of staff based in our Head Office or working in back-end roles.

In addition, the furlough/flexi-furlough has potentially artificially impacted the gender pay gap for us in 2021 in that, although a notably higher proportion of women than men were furloughed with reduced pay, we also lost a significant proportion of staff across hotels and the Head Office at senior levels. Therefore, the headline gender pay gap more likely reflects the short-term labour market conditions resulting from the pandemic rather than underlying pay trends.

We are pleased to note that our organisation has a mean gender pay gap of -3.49% which compares favourably to UK’s last published mean gender pay gap. We are hopeful that changes to the workforce and better market conditions will create a balanced statistic for us in the next report.

Our Gender Pay Gap reflects the average paid to men and women across our business and is not a comparison of pay rates for men and women doing work of equal value. We aim to ensure that there is no bias towards either gender from the point of recruitment right through to salary conversations and progression opportunities within the business

Hourly Summary 

Mean gender pay gap in hourly pay = 3.49% 

Median gender pay gap in hourly pay = -0.90 % 

Bonus Summary ‍

Proportion of male relevant employees with bonus pay = 40.16% 

Proportion of female relevant employees with bonus pay = 71.80% 

Mean gender pay gap in bonus pay = 5.11%

Median gender pay gap in bonus pay = 12.5%

Quartile Summary 

Upper Quartile: Men 26.32% Women 73.68%

Upper Middle Quartile: Men 18.42% Women 81.58%

Lower Middle Quartile: Men 33.33% Women 66.67%

Lower Quartile: Men 33.33% Women 66.67%


Chief Executive Officer
Omni Facilities Management Limited

05 April 2022